FEATURED IN: THE MINT HILL TIMES- The Time For Estate Planning Is Now
CHARLOTTE – The story behind Sabrina Winters, Attorney At Law PLLC, is one of compassion and commitment to family. Ms. Winters grew up wanting to be a lawyer. She was the first-generation American daughter of Italian immigrant parents, a close-knit family full of support and love. At first, she wanted to be a prosecutor, but a family tragedy led her in an entirely new direction. When her uncle died without any documents on how he would like to have his estate dispersed or what his wishes were for his funeral, the family was left devastated by a process they were unprepared to deal with. Her family still doubts whether they did the right thing to this day. It was at this point that Sabrina decided to become an estate lawyer.
Attorney Winters set up a law firm to break the stigma around how lawyers interact with clients. As a result, her office is homey; clients feel like they are family and are given the most extraordinary kind-heartedness as they navigate the difficult task of preparing end-of-life documents. Ms. Winters encourages open and honest dialogue with her clients so that she can help them prepare their estates in a way that aligns with their hopes and desires.
Estate planning is an umbrella term involving all the documents you need to plan for your family’s well-being after you are gone. Things like health care power of attorney, financial records, assets, living wills, passwords to accounts, life insurance, and the final will and testament are just a few things considered when estate planning. Ms. Winters works closely with her clients, helping them to understand that having all property, every investment, funeral expenses, and all final wishes documented beforehand is of the utmost importance. This is so that the family, who are in a state of despair, don’t have to worry or argue over what they think you may have wanted.
The time to start estate planning is now. It does not matter how well-off you are financially; documenting your final wishes is vital for everyone. Attorney Winters suggests that you take the time to meet with a lawyer to establish your last wishes as soon as possible, as none of us know how long we will have on this earth. You want to be sure your wishes are honored, your family is taken care of, and everything is settled, so there is less likelihood of disagreements among those left behind.
When you’re ready to start your estate planning journey, contact Sabrina Winters. She will walk you through the process step-by-step and ensure that everything is documented for you and your family. For more information, please visit her website at ncestateplanninginfo.com. The law firm is located at 6406 Carmel Road, suite 301, in Charlotte. In addition, you can follow her story and find tips on her social media. On YouTube, she is under “NC Estate Planning“; on Instagram, it’s @estatelawyernc, and on Facebook at “NC Estate Planning.” You can also reach the firm via phone at 704-843-1446.
FEATURED IN: THE MINT HILL TIMES- The Time For Estate Planning Is Now